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Peaceful Passage Doula Service is so excited to present our first Sacred Pregnancy Retreat June 13th and 14th. This retreat will offer pregnant mommas a sacred space to connect with one another in sisterhood, and experience their pregnancy in meaningful and personal ways. Mommas are invited to look deeply at the issues unique to their pregnancy journey and find a centred, peaceful place to live this pregnancy journey. These two days will include time to look at topics such as creating a personal sacred space, food and body image during pregnancy, relationships with your partner and your baby, expectations and hopes for birth and so much more.

Your fee of only $250 includes:

-the course in the peaceful and lovely Grow Centre on Whyte Avenue

-supplies for a multitude of beautiful and engaging activities

-excellent catered lunches and abundant snacks

-daily yoga practice with a qualified prenatal instructor – our very own Clara

-learn to safely use essential oils during pregnancy and birth with a special guest

-opportunity to connect with other pregnant mommas- the first step in building a new sisterhood.

-and an amazing gift bag that includes the Sacred Pregnancy book and journal (watch for posts on Facebook about some sweet swag we are gathering).

We will have space for up to 12 mommas and will enjoy our weekend at the Grow Centre at 10516 – Whyte Ave. We will begin each day at 9 a.m. and go until 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

Register before the end of April and receive $25 off.  Clients of Peaceful Passage Doula Services receive an additional 10% off of retreat registration fee.  

Email us at to reserve your spot.

Brenda and Clara look forward to serving you and leading you in the beauty way for this weekend.  If you are interested in taking part in the beautiful weekend and want to bring “sacred” back to your pregnancy, please email us at



First Ever Sacred Pregnancy Retreat
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