We are excited that Peaceful Passage Doulas have a birth pool for their clients to use now! We will supply the connections, the hose to drain, the pump to drain and a pump to blow up the pool. The client will
Going the Distance and a Lesson in Patience
By Brenda Giourmetakis I learn something from all of my clients and their births but my last client taught me patience. And if you know me, you know I like to get things done so I can move on to
Some Changes are Coming Our Way…
Change is coming our way. Watch our website.
Sacred Pregnancy Retreat
Here is a testimonial of one momma who attended the retreat: Going into the sacred pregnancy retreat I knew it was going to be really great, but wow. Just wowl What a powerful way to connect with yourself and your babe. I
Special Thank You to Our Supporters.
Our first Sacred Pregnancy Retreat was a great success. We had five lovely ladies who thoroughly enjoyed themselves as they prepared their bodies, hearts and minds for their pregnancy and birth. A big thank you goes out to the following
First Ever Sacred Pregnancy Retreat
Peaceful Passage Doula Service is so excited to present our first Sacred Pregnancy Retreat June 13th and 14th. This retreat will offer pregnant mommas a sacred space to connect with one another in sisterhood, and experience their pregnancy in
Upcoming Birth Fair
Are you pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant? Do you know someone who is pregnant? Then you want to check out the Birth Fair on March 7 at the Grow Centre. Start the day with a yoga session with Clara.
Our First Birth Journey Prenatal Classes
Peaceful Passage Doulas are so excited to offer this new prenatal class to pregnant mommas and their partners. Class is weekly for four Sunday evenings (one afternoon is included in order to cover all necessary materials). Each week we will explore
Meet the Doula Night
Peaceful Passage Doulas invite you to meet their new collective of six doulas. Learn about their full services including birth support, postnatal doula support, Sacred Pregnancy support (Bengkung Belly Binding, Closing the Bones Ceremony, vaginal steams, herbal craft, Birth Journey
Full of Questions
My last two births did not go as the mommas had planned. In fact, both ended in c-sections and I can safely say that was the furthest from both of their minds. I have been mulling the situations over in