Who would have thought there would be so much to get ready for this doula journey? Erin and I have been collecting paperwork that we think would be relevant for expectant moms. AND we have been reading – more like devouring- any books and articles that will fill our doula tool box.
This past week I had the opportunity to support my daughter-in-law in the birth of her darling baby girl. While a home birth was planned, an emergency c-section was in store as the babe was a footling breech. I was very impressed with the efficiency of her midwife when this situation was discovered. As well, I had the opportunity to observe her doula in action and, you know, I think I can do this. One thing I know will come with more experience was her doula’s knowledge of community supports for her clients. She knew just who to call when labor slowed down. She did use the doula community to find the discipline she was looking for. A great idea to tuck in our tool box!
My daughter-in-law is working on a piece of writing to share her experience on our blog. I look forward to sharing her story here.
Erin has met with a couple of clients in the past couple of weeks. I am excited for her and will gladly serve as back up when she heads out on a little well-deserved holiday in August.
As we gear up to be doulas, we are reminded. May is doula month and here is a great article supporting this growing body of supports to the birthing team. More and more women are choosing to have the support of another woman who is experienced in birth to support her through this passage from belly to birth.
Happy Doula Month!
Preparing for Our New Journey