New Requirements for Alberta Doulas Are you planning to give birth in an Alberta hospital? Are you planning to hire a doula for support? We thought you should know the new requirements for doulas in hospitals. First, you should have
How to Advocate to Have Your Support Person
How can you advocate for your support?
Looking for Pain Relief?

Electric fish, needles and angry catfish. What do these things have in common? Well, these were electrical stimulus used by the ancients for pain relief and while we don’t have any angry catfish from the Nile in our doula bags,
Postpartum Services

This service is currently unavailable until further notice. Peaceful Passage Doulas are excited to announce that we will now be offering complete postpartum care packages! The postpartum period, also lovingly called the “Fourth Trimester” is a time marked by so
Peaceful Passage Doulas Now Offer Postpartum Services

Peaceful Passage Doulas are excited to announce that we will now be offering complete postpartum care packages! The postpartum period, also lovingly called the “Fourth Trimester” is a time marked by so many emotions and experiences. Whether you have just
Erin: On Being a CLC
Breastfeeding is something I’ve felt drawn to and so passionate about since I was pregnant with my first child. I can’t place my finger on the moment or the event that turned this part of my brain on specifically, but
Just Be With Me
At my last client’s birth, I was very mindful of all I had learned with Whapio of the Matrona. I was working hard to hold space for my client, aware that she wanted to have the most natural birth she
Bengkung Belly Binding
One of the services we offer is Bengkung Belly Binding. There are many benefits to belly binding shortly after the baby is born. Belly Binding supports the womb after birth. It protects and assists swollen internal organs to return
Full of Questions
My last two births did not go as the mommas had planned. In fact, both ended in c-sections and I can safely say that was the furthest from both of their minds. I have been mulling the situations over in
Faster Than a ???
What an interesting day. I got up this morning and went to a prenatal visit with a new client I am “care-sharing” with another doula. Meeting a lovely couple was a wonderful way to start the day. I stopped at