I was honored to have the opportunity to host my first Blessingway in August. We have all been to a baby shower where the focus is bringing gifts for the new baby. While the gifts are welcomed and needed, the focus is on the baby. The Blessingway focused completely on the momma’s journey from maiden to motherhood. Women gather together to honor, celebrate and offer support for the momma in this journey.
During this time together, each woman brought a meaningful bead that was shared to create a birth necklace for the mom. Each woman also brought a written blessing, wish or prayer for the momma. Every participant commented on the power of the evening. This powerful “tribe” of women lifted up this young mom and promised to support her in this uncharted journey. We finished the evening with pampering of the mom including hand massage, shoulder and head massage and an herbal foot soak. The “icing on the cake” was the henna painting of the momma’s glorious belly. We couldn’t leave dad out so he prepared the feast for all and it was delicious!
If you are interested in honoring a momma that is in your circle, feel free to contact me. I would be happy to help plan, create invitations and ensure all was ready for a powerful evening of honoring the momma with all of her favorite women!
Enjoy the video of a Blessingway:
Contact me if you want more info.